as STATIONERY! From now on, promised a secret a day “for a gorgeous photo of your Gaussian Blur filter, set to by now, but it’s a biggie: Mac says it’s OK. “OK?” asks 1st resort: Command-Option-Esc probably dying. Call an That’s what’s great about crawling with help documents, doesn’t type numbers, (call by voice first) menu. Your icons will be drawer with one Find command? activate another window launching a program, typing hard drive. Only one (marked You can make an alias of it Servers (etc.), open your to clean out you Preferences Instead, get your slides or the trick by waking up a Time control panel list a town explain why, in Word 5’s in your Chooser is backward- without carefully proofreading System 7.5’s PowerBook “Secrets” for a long time, word processor (WordPerfect, on your hard drive, it’s faster version will launch when you program. Choose Creator programs! Solution: put aliases WHAT!?!? of this most insightful phrase: CD-ROM drive. Insert the Press your Interrupt button highlight the cell, choose System folder temporarily. much luck viewing graphics than it was even two years Now, you must click the style use fonts, sizes, and colors outer window level? The control panel. You probably pasting. (1) Highlight text; ... there is. It’s called key! It’s the same as the to re-install next time, you’ll when you type, but don’t Plaintalk English Text-to- weird line breaks, run them what it is: 20 million AOL folder, Online Browser fold Send us a really cool new Command-M is the same as [Frequently Asked Questions] Just press Option as you copy of Color It that came the Shift key. Or, for better source! Just drag any icon a program whose window is even touching the mouse! (2) Choose About The Finder or scan in Color It, included STARTUP MOVIE, and put it into key as you click “Middle of Nowhere.” Then with File Sharing. Or maybe document take up to twice as Text.” A programmer’s name will quotes” feature. Then use the your entire drive. Then erase Macintosh from the Apple menu. group it with a larger, see its zoom box (upper-right File dialog box, press File dialog box, press File dialog box, press Command- graphics program. Choose Get board, the lines sometimes command. Then paste over the Now use your program’s Print will show you every map. Opening it with Option world. Also, you can paste in copied material if you first command, and give the new Choose Commands from the Tools fixative from an art supply use the View menu to change to Apply the Outline style to it Option while double-clicking an got mail!”? Then why not unique option: switching your group of icons. From the File spits out the one in the paper, and one for thicker on America Online. Send an (that makes the modem answer on Go to your telecom program and you’ve got a conflict of up. But you can stop the Mac you want. You can use any Then open the Monitors control the little extension icons). each morning? Just put the not on a network! Instead, just folder (in the System folder). loading. It also turns virtual pressing Command as click the Hard Disk pop-up all the labels in the Labels I eat my peas with honey; careful with it — it can really from your Apple menu much, make files (System 7.5 and later), unless you press Option as “--------”. Replace its icon with 31 of the infinity symbol they’ll open whenever you open “Application.” When the items automatically follow another. box) if you separate them with to your folder. Then, whenever number in the upper-right icon, if it’s not already, the same document by pressing Small Icon views according to and choose Clean Up All from if you’ve used the Views window, you can Command-click files to another disk. While windows at once! Just desktop (no windows open), Command-Y to return them the program that created the Down Arrow to open a windows you may be buried in, window is active, and you can press Command-Right Arrow to expand, or Command- is single-sided! Apple Menu Items folder). Put some icon to open it. (But You can work around this if you mode. Open your Labels control windows overlapping, you can in the Finder, press Command-O or folders... or is there? programs? Then your Desktop in a window, press Option way to shut up those messages. the Trash, you don’t have to time, among other things. To for all your sounds; double- the PowerBook to leave on your the Application menu thriller novel! (Check out the word Computer. Apple down System folder onto a RAM about three times faster... press Command-Shift-3, or their contents. You can sounds back and forth Brightness (unless you have Edit menu, to the left of have bought a Performa 6200. its Open command to open the choose Copy. Now paste into unformatted Geneva type. But Drag-and-Drop a picture clock. Instead, just open the them to open it into the your file names at Geneva 9. it should be 1/8th your Mac’s program. If anything goes is called Sosumi? Because Apple included with “Mac Secrets,” some programmers work! Jeff before the “renaming rectangle” putting the Clipboard file command (Tools menu). Some press Command, Option, Shift, keeps asking for a disk back? You can remove a file from that back to a previous editing press Command-Shift-S. Type the clock to 9/20/89. Set the Secret About box. But it’s folder, open Conflict Catcher. Puzzle: Open it, then copy the with MACWORLD MACINTOSH SECRETS Disk command. Double-click the choose Preferences from the MACS FOR DUMMIES! It’s a funny, Option while you choose About window (where your macros with “Macworld Macintosh icon. Or press Tab to jump to at once! Wowee! Just Here’s a little-known the Macintosh XL, had upside down in your hand. Turn couldn’t use more than 8 megs Drag-and-Drop all kinds of neat (System 7.5 or later), try press a single key to “click” program. Copy it. Select an some big file from America “host fails to respond”? Keep bug.) Turn it off to eject the but it involves erasing the Back and forth between: The appeared in 1984, had a list disks. The solution: put • Backlighting your hard drive; no longer. LaserWriter Utility program add the Smart Quotes command but it makes your file bigger. different in each style disk? Then it’s time to You can use a printer or a just right for a Classic-sized phone, get a Radio Shack To do so, press Option as Turn the menu-flashing into. With button down, press program name from the a range (“pages 3–5”). And use the keys across the top of snapshot of the screen? use a proper printer’s slash Nisus word processor, you can squiggle, etc.). First draw a FileMaker: use the Find of any window. You’ll get cutting off the juice to the can type GOD to jump into In the Header box, type Just copy the original a secret, built-in editor! non-PowerPC extensions. Use “text only” dialog box? Open words from being broken over type the letters normally first Delicious, and Macintosh. Jef to any command, choose it double-click it (version 5) date field, press the + or - down the Command key as you’ve got your options set, if you’ve put their dot-matrix printout, photocopy key when you’re looking as in “Go get ’em!” You have graphics, font samples, and so you use a commercial program’s happen by itself, you know. does (in the Page Setup box)? of those darned “Please of humor. Turn on The Mac II and IIx have two Project 1 or later. By Option-clicking Just separate their names, gray one as a regular later, you can turn the Mac main dialog box. An extra the window normally expands commands say Fill Just open the for QuicKeys: make on the SCSI chain are FLASHING? Then your Alarm CD-ROM from floppies only set to “thousands of grays.” store your settings (icon at startup: first, in the a PICT file; open it Since both Macs have on the same circuit as, say, Pad, SimpleText, Scrapbook, highlight those words, and drag up to 128 font suitcases in You can turn it off! Choose stored in the System folder’s conversation: “I love onto your Launcher window to but you can’t match. That is, That's supposed to make you • Turn off your extensions; off the Labels checkbox. Your To find out the nearest you choose Empty Trash, you you a new Macintosh tip or